Potential artistic career? – Artist, curator, events organiser

After successfully and fairly recently leaving two careers behind me and at this early juncture in my escape, I have to say the occupational aspect of my practice was and is definitely not at the top of my priorities list. This being said, I am not completely oblivious to the fact that living with the society I currently am choosing to reside within and sustaining a artistic practice, has some financial requirements and restraints. So reluctantly, I have started to ponder this question.

Coming into this course, my main aims have been to immerse myself within my practice as well as attempt to create circumstances that will allow for myself, but predominately, other student artists and creatives to exhibit and show work externally and confidentially. I have attempted to fulfil this goal by contacting outside sources, shops and galleries as well as building a good relationship with CSADs careers team such as Es George, who had been a great asset.

This has resulted in two separate overarching projects this year that have encompassed an array of exhibitions, workshops and events all fulfilled by and for CSAD student artists. I have planned, organised, curated and exhibited within them and although a lot of time and energy was put into the projects that maybe could of been redirected into other areas of my study’s, I feel that I have gained a lot of knowledge and gratification from the experiences. I will definitely continue and have contemplated and had conversations with Es regarding events organisation and curatorship as a potential career path projecting forward, and with her help, have started to construct an artist Cv.

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